Aurorae Yoga Company asked SingleMindedWomen.com to review their new Synergy Yoga Mat, which is especially designed for hot yoga or for those who perspire a lot. When I began doing yoga, I bought the same mat that everyone else in class had. I honestly didn’t know there were different types of yoga mats. Until the Synergy arrived. Wow!
The first thing I noticed was the material it is made out of – not the usual slippery, rubbery foam. The Synergy Yoga Mat is more of a yoga mat-towel combination. It’s made of an ultra absorbent slip-free microfiber towel on top of a cushiony mat. This results in an extremely thick yoga mat. And because it is so soft and absorbent, sweating does not make the mat slippery. In fact, the more you sweat, the more traction you get.
Another huge difference between the Synergy Yoga Mat and a traditional mat is the size. The Synergy is an extra long yoga mat – 4 1/2 inches longer than a standard mat. That extra length made a surprising difference. I never had to worry about my feet or hands going off the mat.
The company also makes the Northern Lights yoga mat, which is an eco-friendly, biodegradable yoga mat in amazing colors.