The Lotus Conference Center is located on 750 acres of tranquil countryside in Central Virginia, at Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville. Sitting high atop an overlook, the Center offers magnificent views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the James River.
The Lotus Conference Center provides accommodations for twenty two people in private, semi-private, and dormitory-style rooms. Larger groups can arrange for additional space in other Yogaville facilities located on the property. All the rooms are comfortable and modern, some with private baths. The Center is available for private retreats and workshops, church meetings, and family celebrations (including graduations, engagements, weddings, baby blessings, anniversaries and family reunions).
Among the features, facilities, and programs available to Lotus Conference Center participants:
* Meeting room – fully carpeted, with many windows with a beautiful view of the James River valley and Blue Ridge Mountains.
* Living room with comfortable seating.
* Visits to the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS) dedicated to the principle that “Truth is One, Paths are Many.”
* Saturday night programs (satsang) at Sivananda Hall with kirtan (chanting), special guest speakers and video of H.H. Sri Swami Satchidananda.
* Bookstore, library, gift shop and Cafe.
* Swimming in a 16-acre stream-fed lake located on the property.
* Scenic walking trails.
* Indoor sauna, outdoor hot tub (in season)