Gary was introduced to Eastern philosophy in college when he discovered the writings of Alan Watts which led to studies in Zen and Zen-inspired poetry. Gary found yoga in 2000 as a way to recover from back trauma and has been studying and practicing yoga since that time. Gary has a Certificate of Yoga Philosophy from the California Institute of Integral Studies. He has studied yoga at Esalen Institute, Big Sur California, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India and Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville, Virginia.
Gary has photographed many spiritual sites and experiences in his travels throughout Asia. After four years of study and writing, he recently published his first book entitled: “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali- Illuminations Through Image, Commentary and Design.” The book provides a new and inviting approach to studying and living the Yoga Sutras by using imagery, poetry and quotation to illuminate the heart of the Sutras.
After Gary’s book on the Yoga Sutras was published, he began to get speaking invitations and now teaches workshops on the yoga philosophy, ethics and law for Yoga teacher training programs. Gary is on the teaching faculty of Breathe Yoga of Los Gatos, California. Gary co-leads spiritual trips to Nepal, India and Tibet with Jennifer Prugh of Breathe Yoga.