Deepen Your Practice Yoga Immersion
a 3 weekend course taught by Cyndi Lee
$750 • January 27-29, February 10-12, March 11 & 12, 2017
This 65 hour course is for anyone who wants to take a dive into the study and practice of yoga — yoga students, those who want to become yoga teachers, those who don’t, and those who aren’t sure yet.
It is also recommended as a refresher for yoga teachers and counts as continuing education hours in your Yoga Alliance registry status.
3 weekends: January 28-29, February 11-12, March 11 & 12
Saturdays 9:30-5:30
Sundays 9:30-5:50
Over three weekends you will:
* Deepen your understanding and experience of asana technique
* Learn and practice 4 versions of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute)
* practice Pranayama and Meditation
* explore Yoga Philosophy and Buddhist philosophy
* learn how to live with more stability, strength, clarity and equanimity
You will also be required to observe one asana class, read one book, and attend 6 asana classes between January 21 and March 12. The course price is $750.00.
Deepening Your Practice Immersion
Tuition: $750.00
Pay $500 deposit to hold your space, pay the remainder by January 10.
Tuition for Deepening Your Practice is $750.00.
For 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification, take DYP PLUS our Becoming a Yoga Teacher module for $ 2, 750.00 total.