Designed for beginners with no yoga experience, advanced practitioners and those whose practice is at a level between the two. This series creates a path for you to advance through your practice at whatever pace feels right to you, layering details and building strength and stamina along the way.
Yoga 1 (Beginner 1) An introduction to the foundation poses of a beginning practice. Basic breathing techniques will also be introduced. The focus will be on understanding the fundamentals of standing poses and proper alignment. No experience necessary.
Yoga 1/2 (Beginner 2) A continuation and reinforcement of Yoga 1, this class allows students to solidify their comfort with the poses learned in Yoga 1 and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the principles of alignment. The focus will be on increasing strength, stamina and flexibility in the Yoga 1 poses and introducing additional poses to be developed in Yoga 2. This class is appropriate for students who have had at least one session of Yoga 1 or who have studied other Yoga disciplines. This class is not appropriate for students with no prior experience.
Yoga 2 (Intermediate 1) Students will further explore and refine the poses learned in Yoga 1 & Yoga 1/2. Additional seated poses, simple back bends, shoulder stand and more challenging standing and balance poses will be developed in this class. One session of Level 1 and Level 1/2 is recommended prior to taking this class to ensure a foundation practice has been established and students are comfortable adjusting poses for their particular body and experience level. Students will have the opportunity to explore at their own pace and comfort level, guided by their instructor. The overall curriculum of Yoga 2 is spread out over multiple sessions to allow for an in depth study of a particular series of poses. Experience required.