The 2017 CZT training seminars will be held in Providence, Rhode Island USA. For full event an registration details, please follow the links below:
How Our CZT Concept Began
We love to present Zentangle workshops. We've given them at grade schools, high schools and colleges, at calligraphy clubs and art clubs, at corporate annual meetings and in peoples' homes. At every workshop, we meet people who understand the Zentangle Method's potential and had a passion to share it with others in their own field of interest and expertise. This planted the seed idea of creating a CZT program. These people could translate our Zentangle insights and discoveries into areas that we might not encounter or understand and we wanted them to do it in the best way possible.
Often people see the Zentangle art form's simplicity and assume it is easy to teach. However, there is so much more to our Zentangle teaching method than the many cool tangles we and others share for free. There are reasons and techniques; philosophies and principles for everything that we do. Once you learn these you can then serve your students well and answer their questions and concerns.
A good analogy is yoga. You might take some yoga classes and decide to teach yoga, after all it seems simple . . . you breathe, you stretch slowly in different directions, you've learn a bunch of yoga positions and you're really flexible. However, there is much more that underlies the teaching of yoga than may be first obvious in a class or a book. Even with all the books and YouTubes and DVDs about yoga, people still go to school to learn how to teach yoga. And more importantly for people who want to create income teaching yoga, even with all the instructional books and YouTubes and DVDs on yoga, people still pay to take classes at their local yoga studio!
We created our CZT training program so you could understand the basics and the depth of the Zentangle Method and its art form and so you could convey the full Zentangle experience to others and create additional income for yourself.
When registration for CZT seminars is open, you can find CZT training seminars registration links on the left of your screen. These seminars tend to fill quickly, so if you are interested we encourage you to register while there are openings available!