A Story from the Soapman
Back in the Dark Ages when we started this business almost no one had even HEARD of a nontoxic cleaner. One of our staffers came to my office and told me, “You have to stop inventing new products, we don’t have any more room for them on the price sheet.” And then, ”We know that you have a soft spot in your heart for those….those nontoxic cleaners. But, no one else cares!”
I laughed and bought a bigger price sheet. We kept making those nontoxic cleaners and in 2003 we created the first USDA nontoxic cleaning product formulated specially for Yoga Mats. Other sprays and concentrates followed; many with USDA organic certification from VOF. Natural cleaning products are now a multi-million dollar business, and Vermont Soap still makes the cleanest, most natural ones of all.
Let Vermont Soap help build your new line of 100% Natural Nontoxic Cleaners.
We sell scented and unscented bulk castile soap by the gallon, in 5 gal self dispensing cubes, 50 gal drums, and in 275 gal totes. We make unique base formula custom liquid soap batches with (a) 750 gal and 1500 gal minimums. Give us a call to discuss your project.
Coconut oil liquid soap made from organic oils is available for private label and bulk projects. This soap is a very strong de-greaser and is used as an ingredient in other products as well as for extreme cleaning options. Not really suited for use on skin. Our coconut oil soap is compatible with d-limonene, bleach and ammonia – just not all at the same time.
Short run filling programs are available. Your bottle or ours. You supply the label. Let us proof it for free BEFORE you go to print and save potential grief later.