Next Community Meeting Held Sept. 26; Public Comments Due Oct. 14, 2016
Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) hosted a community meeting on Sept. 26, 2016, to discuss ways to improve bicycling along the Little River Turnpike from the City of Fairfax to Alexandria. The meeting was held at the cafeteria of Annandale High School, 4700 Medford Drive, Annadale. FCDOT staff presented recommended concepts for projects to implement in the short term, and long-term recommendations for the corridor:
FCDOT is seeking feedback on the recommended concepts and for prioritizing projects for implementation by Friday, Oct. 14. Please use the comment form on this page or contact the bike team at 703-877-5600.
Click on the image above to enlarge.
The Fairfax County Bicycle Master Plan identified Little River Turnpike as a “Policy Road, ” which meant that an additional, more detailed study was needed due to the complexity of the corridor. The 2014 Transportation Priorities Plan allocated funding for the study and short-term improvements. The Little River Turnpike Bicycle Corridor Study will look at both long-term recommendations to be added to the Bicycle Master Plan and short-term recommendations to be implemented.
Fairfax County Department of Transportation previously held a community meeting on May 17, 2016, to discuss ways to improve bicycling along Little River Turnpike from the City of Fairfax to Alexandria. The purpose of the meeting was to gather information from the public on existing conditions, problem locations, and short- and long-term improvements that will make bicycling viable in this corridor.