"I had always been active, running and working out, but had bouts of debilitating back pain. My doctor had told me, 'The jelly's come out of the doughnut, ' referring to my discs, and recommended spinal surgery, which I declined. Though I had been skeptical, I was now more open to yoga, so I began doing stretches that Unyong recommended each morning and now feel fine, even lifting heavy things. I'm happy to have been able to avoid going under the knife." -Professor Paul Almeida, Senior Associate Dean, Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business
"You've helped me so much, the more people are exposed to you, the better the world will be. My husband says I'm a lot nicer."
-Julie Freeman-Moore, mother of four, spouse of Army Major with multiple deployments.
"I've been doing a lot of that breathing stuff at work, and I had my lowest blood pressure in 20 years, 120/70." -Robert Lee, DC lawyer
"Once I started my daily yoga practice major health benefits followed. Migraine attacks became less frequent and if a migraine attack started to occur ujjayi breathing would sometimes stop the attack."
-Justy Holt, ice-hockey player
Stress Burner Yoga 24/7
Wednesdays at 7:45-9pm
(Ages 13 and up)
Imagine moving through your day with a new sense of resilience, confidence and calm. Stress Burner Yoga techniques can help you lower your stress “set-point” and cultivate flexibility on the mat and in life. In this 6-week different kind of yoga class we’ll focus on ways to bring the mindfulness, peace, and alignment gained from yoga practice into our daily lives, and have fun at the same time! You have the perfect body for this class which is also a good complement to any yoga class you are already taking. Contact us to try a class with no obligation.
Location: City of Falls Church Community Center 223 Little Falls Street, Falls Church, VA 22046
Registration: Click here or call 703-248-5027
Activity #240403-A Wed: 1/25-5/31 7:45-9pm
$295/$275 for Falls Church residents
Activity #240403-B Wed: 1/25-3/15 7:45-9pm
$175/$155 Falls Church residents
Activity #140401-C Wed: 4/5-5/31 7:45-9pm
$175/155 Falls Church residents
This course can help your 11-14 year old be better prepared to handle the academic, emotional and social pressures of middle school. Students will learn stress management strategies including yoga, breathing techniques, meditation and mindfulness practices. Research has shown mindfulness improves focus, mood and self-esteem.
Using games, discussion, individual and group activities and floor exercises we cultivate self-acceptance, tolerance and mutual support to counter student worries and anxiety. Dress in stretchy clothing and bring a towel and yoga mat (or use one provided.) Instructor is a certified yoga instructor, conflict resolution educator and sympathetic parent.
Instructor: Hillary Horn (hillary@stressburneryoga.com)
Location: Your school, club, organization or home!
"This class was fun and super helpful for stress. I especially like the 'breathe' post-its." Anna Tibbetts, age 11
"I loved the games and the friendly people." Julia Tibbetts, age 11
Stress Burner yogis stretch with a little help from friends.
Stress Burner Yoga Results:
"Hillary inspires me to make Yoga part of my everyday living – she’s a wonderful instructor! She encourages us to “own” the stretches, breathing techniques, poses, and meditations she introduces in class and weave them into our daily routine. Whether I’m at work, in a meeting, driving in traffic or on metro, waiting in line – any situation is de-stressed and improved with a little yoga. I have been happier and healthier since I started the Stress Burner Yoga practice!
-–Julie Bruns, Project Manager
"The way you teach yoga is so simple yet it has such a HUGE impact upon our lives! I love the way you refer to it as taking it off the mat. I now understand that it's not about showing up for 1 hour a week to be mindful of my body and mind, but it's all about a life skill to be more open and accepting of my life and the events in it."