Facilitating the process of Embodiment
with Anna Pittman and Guest Teachers at The Breathing Space
The next program begins in March of 2017
In 18 weekends we meet the minimum hours required, and approved, by Yoga Alliance
Only 9 sessions will be live, the remaining weekends have the option for online participation for those who travel.
If it's time for you to expand your range of knowledge, transform your teaching,
strengthen your formal practices, while increasing your skill on the mat ~
This program is for you!
This unique program is the continuation of the 200 hour program enabling you to
be certified as a 500 hour Advanced Teacher of Hatha Yoga.
Even someone who is already RTY-500 may be interested in participating,
not because they “need” certification, but because they want to journey deeper.
It is time to teach from your embodied connection to Spirit!
The purpose of this program for all participants is to deepen your
understanding and experience of the 8 limbed system of Yoga while cultivating your
knowledge base, direct inquiry, experience, and community.
Guest teachers will present on various topics and inquiries into styles of Yoga
to cultivate your own teaching style and greater Self Awareness.
Topics of continued study include
Including Pranayama in your teaching practice
Chakras for Self Study
The teachings of Vedanta
Yoga Nidra
Restorative Yoga
Teaching skills refined
Designing a class with themes
Inquiries for Somatic and Self Awareness
Nonverbal Communication
Essential Oils
Yin Yoga
Anna will be facilitating with her working knowledge and experience from studies in Spiritual Psychology,
Advaita Vedanta, and Consciousness Studies. Her purpose is to help you facilitate
a deeper integration of the challenges and gifts of the chakras while integrating
breath and meditation into your teaching style. In addition, she will be facilitating
the process of embodiment through group safety and connection.
She will also be assisting in personal integration and direction during your participation.
Times: 9 to 5:30 on Saturdays & 9 to 3 on Sundays
Dates: March 25, 26 2017; April 29, 30; June 3, 4; July 8, 9; August 12, 13; September 16, 17; October 21, 22; December 2, 3
January 6, 7 2018; February, 10, 11; March 17, 18; April 21, 22; May 26, 27; June 30, July 1;
August 4, 5; September 8m 9; October 13, 14; and November 17, 18.
Fees: There is a non-refundable application fee of $50.00.
Each weekend session is $175.00, payable at each session
For an application, click below and/or to have any questions answered,
please contact Anna directly at amulya@thebreathingspace.org or 540-239-1233
Required Books
Light on Pranayama: the Yogic Art of Breathing by B.K.S. Iyengar
The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice by Georg Feurenstein
Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith
Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Rama
Yoga Sequencing by Mark Stephens
I Am Here by Georgi Johnson
The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
Click here for an application!
"What does it mean to complete a level 2 or advanced yoga training program?
What is this designation of RYT500 from Yoga Alliance?
Am I now teaching people how to balance on their heads while holding their big toe as their spine
is all twisty like a pretzel? Absolutely not! In fact, my “friends-slash-yoga students” will likely tell you
that I’m a much gentler teacher today than a few years ago. This doesn’t mean they don’t get to sweat and tremble,
that happens. And we don’t just sit, legs crossed, hands folded, chanting OM. Although that happens, too.
I’ve slowed way down. I see them. I see my family. I see my community. From a place of inner peace and calm,
I meet my world. I literally stop and smell the roses amidst busy-ness, crisis, body challenges, excitement.
I can’t speak to all advanced yoga training programs, of course, but I can, with authority of my own knowing,
speak about the program from which I just completed. Today, my understanding of advanced yoga means
using the advanced yoga techniques and not bypassing an opportunity to relate with my body, to feel it
and address its needs. As students in a class practicing the advanced techniques, we practice
“on the mat” with a teacher who guides us through a pose deliberately to feel what arises in the
body-mind complex, allow everything, if we are willing, and explore. Eventually, something happens
when we stop bypassing and really explore…