HAV - MUSUVS - (or Suvians)
Prominent in Paihute Indian tradition, the Hav-Musuvs were allegedly an Egyptian or Grecian-like sea-faring race who discovered huge caverns around 3 to 5 thousand years ago within, and later deep beneath the Panamint Mountains of California.
Within these they then established their vast underground cities. When the inland sea (now Death Valley) which connected the ocean in ancient times dried up, they had no way to carry on trade with other parts of the world. As a result of this, according to Paihute Indian tradition, they began to build and fly ’silvery eagles’ which became increasingly advanced as time went on.
They then evidently established interplanetary and later interstellar travel, exploration and colonization.
This huge facility is now operating as a MAJOR Federation base on earth, and possesses huge chambers with differing environmental, atmospheric and even gravitational conditions to accommodate the various visiting Federation dignitaries.
Homins" is the name given to large, human-like creatures that are reported across the world.
’Hybrids’ possessing reptilian and human genetic coding yet who possess a human soul-matrix.
The Hyades in the constellation Taurus, like the Pleiades and Vega, are said to have been the destination of yet another group of refugees from the ancient Lyran wars.
HYBRIDS - Reptilian
Since human and reptilian beings are genetically so different in their physical make-up a natural ’hybrid’ between the two is impossible. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence ’splicing’ human and reptilian genes, has allegedly been attempted.
Even if this were accomplished the offspring would not be an actual ’hybrid’ (half human - half reptilian) but would fall to one side or the other. Since reptilians possess no soul-matrix as do humans but instead operate on a ’collective consciousness’ level, the ’hybrid’ would be human or reptilian depending on whether they/it was born with or without a soul-energy-matrix.
In most cases one might tell the difference if the entity had round-pupils as opposed to black opaque or vertical-slit pupiled eyes; or five-digit fingers as opposed to three or four; or external genitalia as opposed to none. This may not always be the rule, especially when the ’chameleons’ are considered.
Some of the hybrids without souls are ’fed’ with human soul-energy in an attempt to engraft an already existing human soul-matrix into the hybrid.
The following description is of a hybrid female, approximately 15 years old.
Height is five feet, three inches; skin color is pale white/grey. The head is slightly larger and rounder than normal. Hair is dark, high above the forehead and worn in a long ponytail. The face is very fine featured and attractive. Method of communication is telepathic. They consider themselves human, not Grey, in almost all respects.
They care about the Greys, as any child would a parent, but find them boring. The desire for human contact is great. Their capacity for emotion is as great, if not greater than, humans. Their intellectual capacity is well above human standards.
Very likely to except the capabilities of both races.
- HUMAN TYPE A: These are of a genetic base similar to humans of earth. They appear of "normal" height (5-6ft?) and tend to be fair-skinned with blonde hair. These entities have been abducted by the greys or are the offspring of abductees and have been trained by the greys as servants. These entities are totally subservient to the greys.
- HUMAN TYPE B: These are aliens of similar genetics to earth humans and also, it seems, of the humans that serve the greys. These are from the Pleiades and are also of the blonde, fair-skinned appearance. This type is of a genuine highly evolved, spiritual, benevolent variety and have a kinship toward humans and are the only aliens to be truly trusted by earth humans at this time. They had at one time offered to be of assistance to earth leaders in dealing with the alien situation here but were rebuffed and so have taken a kind of "hands off" approach for the time being. These aliens are supposedly the forefather race of humankind. These are apparently not on earth much at this time due to serious problems in the area of their home.
- HUMAN TYPE C: Very little is known about these. They are supposedly another of the highly evolved, spiritual type of great benevolence to earth humans. I understand that their appearance is similar to other human-type aliens. They are from Sirius and don’t appear to be much involved with earth happenings at this time other than being concerned about the Grey scenario. They could desire to be of help to humans.
There are other known human type aliens of this "more highly spiritually evolved" nature that are apparently aware of the situation on earth and considering some possible course of action. These are from Arcturus and Vega.
The following article appeared in the summer 1993 edition (vol. 3 no. 2) issue of UFO Universe magazine.