The Coalition offers a variety of aerobic classes throughout the community through the Healthy Community Initiative. Participants simply show up to the class of their choice, inform the aerobics instructor that they are a new participant and fill out the information packet provided by the instructor. Find the class and location that is right for you!
January Fitness Schedule
Classes Offered
Step Combo: A low impact, high-energy workout including various combinations of basic step, intervals and cardio techniques along with muscle conditioning using light weights and aerobic balls. Also includes abdominal strengthening moves.
Yoga: Brings strength and flexibility to your workout! A person can begin at any age and with any level of physical conditioning. Also includes abdominal strengthening moves.
Chair Aerobics: This class can increase your strength, balance, and vitality, all while sitting down. This creates movement, stretching, and helps increase your heart rate. Each exercise involves a series of slow movements.
Instructor's Choice: A cardio/sculpt, workout that includes low/high impact, kickboxing, step, sculpt, etc. There will also be exercises incorporated in your workout to strengthen abdominal muscles.
Zumba Gold: Takes Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older adult participant or those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. It's a dance-fitness class that is easy to follow, friendly, but most of all, FUN!!!
Water Aerobics: A combination of moves for any age or activity level, a fun and motivating class! Anyone can do this class, excellent for all joints in the body, arthritis, hip replacements, or anyone who wants a "low impact-on-the-joints" class. 60-minute class that includes a great warm-up, cardio fitness, strength training, and flexibility cool-down.
Class Locations
The Community Fellowship-2674 Virginia Ave. Collinsville, VA 24078
Bassett Community Center-119 Blackberry Rd. Bassett VA 24055
Spencer Penn Centre-475 Spencer-Penn Rd. Spencer, VA 24165
Druid Hills-746 Indian Trail Martinsville, VA 24112